三楽プログラム [心]

Sangha Program[Mind]



Full Moon Meditation Experience


[日程]  令和5年05月06日(土)
[時間]  20:00 〜 21:00頃  
              (受付開始 19:45)
[場所]      金剛寺 本堂  (神奈川県南足柄市狩野433)
[内容]  仰向けでの瞑想
[定員]  8名程度
[参加費]  一般          2,000円
               檀信徒       1,000円
                • ブランケットの用意がございます。


The Full Moon meditation at Kongoji Zen Temple is called "Mangetsu Yaza" in Japanese. Mangetsu is Full Moon and Yaza is a Zen Buddhist term for a meditation practice which is normally held in the late evening by Zen monks. During the training to become a monk, Yaza is made without the supervision of the zen master and is known to be less strict and more relaxed. Inspired by this practice the purpose of "Mangetsu Yaza" or Full Moon Meditation is to to release daily stress and to relax. Using the breathing method of traditional zen meditation and keeping the same mindset, will loosen the tightness and stiffness of the body one breath at a time. The Zen priest will guide you during the meditation to sharpen the senses with a unique way of consciousness. Relax under the full moon and learn to live in the "now".

[Date]       Saturday, 06. May 2023
[Time]       08:00 pm - 09:00 pm
[Reception]   07:45 pm
[Venue]         Kongoji Zen Temple (Main Hall)
        Kano 433, Minami Ashigara, Kanagawa Prefecture
[Content]      Introduction
                    Breathing technique
                    Lotus Position Meditation
                    Full Moon Relax Meditation
                    Tea Time
[Participants]8 People
[Price]           General            2,000 yen
                       Parishioner      1,000 yen
[Others]        ・Please join the meditation in loose clothes.
              ・The experience will be conducted barefoot

ーReservation closedー
