特別三楽プログラム [体]
Zen Self Care Program Sangha

Tai Chi
[日程] 令和5年03月21日(火)
[時間] 16:45 〜 17:45頃 (受付開始16:30)
[場所] 金剛寺 広場
[内容] 太極拳
[定員] 10名程度
[参加費] 一般 2,000円
檀信徒 1,000円
In this Sangha experience we focus on our [Body] and practice Tai Chi in the sunset during spring equinox. Tai Chi improves muscle coordination, flexibility, and body balance. Harmonize your breath and body and learn the slow movements of Tai Chi while basking in the warm sunset of spring equinox.
[Date] 21. March 2023
[Time] 04:45 pm - 05:45 pm
[Reception] 04:30 pm
[Venue] Kongoji Zen Temple
(Kano 433, Minami Ashigara, Kanagawa Prefecture)
[Content] Tai Chi
[Participants] 10 People
[Price] General 2,000 yen
Parishioner 1,000 yen
[Others] ・The event will be held outdoors
・In case of rain, we will be inside the main hall
For reservations in English, please send us an email using the contact form.